We're here to help

    We're aware that adverse weather conditions, such as cyclones and floods, are affecting our customers. We'd like to assure you that we're here to help and support you.
    Get in touch
    Get in touch

    There are some changes to how you can contact us

    Banking on My AMP (BSB 939-200)

    If you are a My AMP app and web customer, your contact method remains the same.

    Banking on the AMP Bank app (BSB 939-900)

    AMP Bank has launched a new mobile banking experience giving everyday Aussies a better way to manage money.

    If you have signed up for a new Everyday Account or Everyday Business Account on the AMP Bank app, log in and tap the profile icon in the top right hand corner and select 'Help' to get support 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.

    Banking on My AMP (BSB 939-200)

    We're available 9am to 5pm Sydney time, Monday to Friday, with the exception of national public holidays.

    Alternatively, you can call / email / send a letter / send a fax to us.

    Live chat

    amp bank spark phone screen

    Get in touch

    13 30 30

    Monday - Friday 8am - 8pm Sydney time

    Saturday - Sunday 9am - 5pm Sydney time

    Email - enquiries info@ampbanking.com.au
    Email - payment and term deposit maturity request AMPBankPayments@amp.com.au

    AMP Bank

    Reply Paid 79702

    Parramatta NSW 2124

    Fax 1300 555 503 

     Cheque deposits

    Deposit at Bank@Post at participating Australia Post outlets.


    Or at:


    AMP Bank

    Level 2

    2-12 Macquarie St

    Parramatta NSW 2150

    Service of legal documents

    Please address to:
    The Proper Officer


    AMP Bank Limited

    Level 29,

    50 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000

    Telegraphic transfers

    To receive a telegraphic transfer into your account, provide the other bank with your AMP Bank:

    • BSB Number
    • Account number
    • Account name

    Note: We can only receive funds that have already been converted into Australian dollars.


    Send a Telegraphic transfer from your account, call us on 13 30 30.


    AMP Bank's Address:

    Level 2

    2-12 Macquarie street

    Parramatta NSW 2124


    Banking on the AMP Bank app (BSB 939-900)

    Ultramarine bank screen

    Message us

    The fastest and safest way to contact AMP Bank for small business and personal banking support is to message us through the AMP Bank App.

    Simply log in and tap the profile icon on the top right and select ‘help’.

    Use Live Chat, or call via the app



    1800 950 105

    24 hours a day/7 days a week

    Email help@ampbank.com.au

    AMP Bank

    Reply Paid 79702

    Parramatta NSW 2124

    Cheque deposits

    We do not accept cheques

    Service of legal documents

    Please address to:
    The Proper Officer


    AMP Bank Limited

    Level 29,

    50 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000

    Telegraphic transfers

    To receive a telegraphic transfer into your account, provide the other bank with your AMP Bank:

    • BSB Number
    • Account number
    • Account name

    Note: We can only receive funds that have already been converted into Australian dollars.


    Send a Telegraphic transfer from your account, call us on 13 30 30.


    AMP Bank's Address:

    Level 2

    2-12 Macquarie street

    Parramatta NSW 2124


    Home loans


    13 30 30


    Monday - Friday 8am - 8pm Sydney time


    Saturday - Sunday 9am - 5pm Sydney time

     Email - enquiries info@ampbanking.com.au

    AMP Bank

    Reply Paid 79702

    Parramatta NSW 2124

    Fax 1300 555 503 


     Enquiry  Phone  Email or online Mail or fax
     AMP Super & Retirement enquiries

     13 12 67

    Monday - Friday
    8.30am - 7pm Sydney time


    Online enquiry forms

    PO Box 6346
    Wetherill Park NSW 1851

    Fax 1300 301 267

    Insurance inside SignatureSuper enquiries

    13 12 67

    Monday - Friday
    8.30am - 7pm Sydney time

    Overseas calls

    +61 2 8048 8162

    Monday - Friday
    8.30am - 7pm Sydney time


    You can mail or courier documents to:
    Level 2
    2-12 Macquarie Street
    Parramatta NSW 2150

    (Unfortunately we are unable to accept documents in person)

    Do you like to chat?

    We're available 9am to 5pm Sydney time, Monday to Friday, with the exception of national public holidays.

    Alternatively, you can call / email / send a letter / send a fax to us.

    Live chat


    Enquiry  Phone  Email or online  Mail or fax
    AMP Investments Investor Services

     13 32 67

    Monday - Friday
    8.30am - 5.30pm Sydney time

    Flexible Lifetime Investments customer enquiries

    13 32 67

    Monday - Friday
    8.30am - 5:30pm Sydney time

    trustinfo@amp.com.au Reply paid 79281
    Parramatta NSW 2124
    North, MyNorth and iAccess enquiries

    1800 667 841

    Monday - Friday
    8.30am - 7pm Sydney time



    Enquiry  Phone  Email or online  Mail or fax
    AMP Ltd shares

    1800 245 500

    Monday - Friday
    8.30am - 7pm Sydney time


    Note: For more information, see amp.com.au/shares

    AMP Investor Relations
    Reply Paid 627
    Royal Exchange
    NSW 1224

    Note: No stamp required.


     Enquiry  Phone  Email or online Mail or fax
    Corporate Super enquiries

     1300 366 019

    • Monday - Friday
      8am - 7pm Sydney time

    PO Box 6346
    Wetherill Park NSW 1851

    Fax 02 9768 3111

    eSuper enquiries for employers

    1800 802 266

    • Monday- Friday
      9am to 5pm Sydney time
    esuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346
    Wetherill Park NSW 1851

    +61 2 8048 8189

    • Monday - Friday
      8am - 7pm Sydney time
      Level 2
    2-12 Macquarie Street
    Parramatta NSW 2150


    Services Phone Email Mail
    Caller ID 02 8364 6761 info@ampbanking.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 02 8364 6000 ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 02 8364 6020 ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 02 8364 6100 ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 02 8364 6136 ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 02 8364 6160 ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 02 8364 6203 ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 02 8364 6205 ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 02 8364 6208 ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 02 8364 6209 ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 02 8364 6210 ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 02 8364 6249 info@ampbanking.com.au Locked Bag 5059 Parramatta NSW 2124
    Caller ID 02 8364 6750 ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 02 8364 6759 ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 02 8364 6xxx ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 03 7007 6xxx ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851
    Caller ID 1300 763 721 ampsuper@amp.com.au PO Box 6346  Wetherill Park NSW 1851

    The AMP Customer Advocate is here to help AMP hear, understand and treat its customers fairly. The AMP Customer Advocate provides guidance to AMP’s complaint teams and businesses to help AMP put fair decision-making at the centre of its products, systems and processes.

    Find out more

     Enquiry  Phone  Email or online
    My AMP support centre

    Within Australia

    1300 300 465

    • Monday - Friday
      8.30am - 7pm Sydney time

    From overseas

    +61 2 8048 8005

    • Monday - Friday
      8.30am - 7pm Sydney time
    Reset your Bank telepin password

    13 30 30

    • Monday - Friday
      8am - 8pm Sydney time
    • Saturday - Sunday
      9am - 5pm Sydney time


     Enquiry  Overseas phone

    +61 2 8048 8249

    • Monday - Friday
      8am - 8pm Sydney time
    • Saturday - Sunday
      9am - 5pm Sydney time
    Superannuation and retirement

    +61 2 8048 8162

    • Monday - Friday
      8.30am - 7pm Sydney time
    Corporate superannuation

    +61 2 8048 8189

    • Monday - Friday
      8am - 7pm Sydney time

    +61 2 8048 8162

    • Monday - Friday
      8.30am - 7pm Sydney time
     My AMP support centre

     +61 2 8048 8005

    • Monday - Friday
      8.30am - 7pm Sydney time


    Calling from overseas?

    Banking on My AMP app and web with BSB 939-200

    +61 2 8048 8249

    Monday - Friday
    8am - 8pm Sydney time

    Saturday - Sunday
    9am - 5pm Sydney time

    Banking on the AMP Bank app with BSB 939-900

    +61 2 5135 1930
    24 hours a day / 7 days a week

    Home loans

    +61 2 8048 8249

    Monday - Friday
    8am - 8pm Sydney time

    Saturday - Sunday
    9am - 5pm Sydney time

    Superannuation and retirement

    +61 2 8048 8162

    Monday - Friday
    8.30am - 7pm Sydney time

    Corporate superannuation

    +61 2 8048 8189

    Monday - Friday
    8am - 7pm Sydney time


    +61 2 8048 8162

    Monday - Friday
    8.30am - 7pm Sydney time

    My AMP technical support centre

    +61 2 8048 8005

    Monday - Friday
    8.30am - 7pm Sydney time

    Popular topics

    • Find out how we can help if you're facing financial hardship
    • If you believe your My AMP account or card has been compromised, alert us immediately by calling 13 30 30.
    • Early access to super - find out about eligibility, how to apply and things to consider.
    • Log into My AMP – you can self-serve in many ways, such as managing your cards, checking your latest super balance, changing your address, or reviewing your investment option.
    • Security alerts - stay up to date on the latest internet security news, including scams, fake AMP websites and malicious software.
    Other ways to get in touch
    • Complaint resolution

      If you are unhappy with our products or service, we want to know about it. Find out how we can help resolve your complaint.

    • Enquire online

      Ask about our banking, superannuation, insurance and other AMP services.

    • Track status

      Do you have your request number handy? Find out how your request is progressing.

    • Serve a legal document

      Please use the relevant AMP entity and registered address.

    Important information

    AMP Bank

    Credit and deposit products are issued by AMP Bank Limited, ABN 15 081 596 009, AFSL and Australian credit licence 234517.

    Any application is subject to AMP Bank’s approval.

    Before making a decision about a product, you should consider the terms and conditions available from AMP at amp.com.au/bankterms or on 13 30 30.

    Target market determinations for these products are available at amp.com.au/resources/banking-tmds.

    AMP Super

    AMP Super refers to SignatureSuper® which is issued by N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited (NM Super), ABN 31 008 428 322, AFSL 234654 and is part of the AMP Super Fund (the Fund), ABN 78 421 957 449. NM Super is the trustee of the Fund. SignatureSuper® is a registered trademark of AMP Limited, ABN 49 079 354 519.

    Before deciding what’s right for you, it’s important to consider your particular circumstances and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination from AMP at amp.com.au/resources or by calling 13 12 67

    Note: Read AMP’s Financial services guide for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided to you.