Fields marked with * are mandatory.

    Your contact details *

    Name *

    Phone number *

    Email *

    Your preferred date and time to be contacted

    Please note that we do not take appointments on weekends or public holidays.

    The date you select for your appointment must be at least 24 hours from the date of the request. Please allow up to 30 minutes for your appointment.


    Time (Sydney time):

    What can we help you with? *

    Select one of the options below

    If purchasing, where are you in your journey? *

    Select one of the options below

    • Dollar amount you would like to borrow
    Are you self-employed?

    Select one of the options below


    The information you provide is being collected by AMP Bank Limited ABN 15 081 596 009 (AMP Bank) in order to respond to your enquiry. If you don't provide the information requested, AMP Bank may not be able to respond to your query. Your personal information may be shared with business areas or companies within the AMP Group. We may also provide information to local and overseas entities which provide AMP with administrative, financial, research or other services, other insurers and credit providers, financial planners, brokers and other organisations authorised by AMP to assist in reviewing customer needs. We may also disclose personal information to courts, tribunals and dispute resolution bodies, government agencies, and other bodies we are required to provide information to under the law. A list of countries where these providers are likely to be located can be accessed via the AMP Privacy Policy.

    The AMP Privacy Policy provides more information about how we manage and protect the personal information we hold about individuals. It sets out how you can access and correct the information that AMP holds about you, how you may complain about a breach of privacy and our process for resolving privacy related enquiries and complaints.

    If your request is urgent, call or email us.

    Phone: 1300 534 325


    9am - 5pm Sydney time, Monday to Friday