Online security

    How we safeguard your money, your identity and your transactions

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    Stay secure with AMP

    We take every measure to guard our online systems so you can rest assured that everything from your internet banking to super and insurance is in safe hands.

    • Your accounts are safe and secure
      We have a dedicated team of cyber security experts monitoring threats and regularly assessing all our services to ensure your accounts remain safe and secure. The team actively collaborates with the Australian financial services sector, law enforcement and threat intelligence organisations to share threat information and digital protection insights.

    • Your information is protected
      Our systems are secured using industry strength encryption technology. This means that all sessions between your computer and our systems are scrambled for your protection.

    • Safeguarding your access
      Your account will be locked after a number of unsuccessful login attempts to protect you against unauthorised users trying to guess your password. Also, we will automatically log you off from your online or mobile session after a period of inactivity. This reduces the risk of others accessing your information from your unattended computer or mobile device. For your security, always log off manually when leaving your device unattended.

    • Independently monitoring your security
      We engage independent cyber security consultants to verify the effectiveness of our security controls, including system design, firewall and intrusion prevention configurations, web application security and data protection controls.

    • Proof of identity
      We ask you to verify your identity via SMS when processing high risk tasks, such as adding a new payee or increasing daily transfer limits. This is so we can safeguard your personal identity.

    • Ongoing monitoring
      We frequently review security logs to detect and block suspicious events. We also encourage you to regularly check your bank statements and report any suspicious transactions.

    Measures to prevent against card fraud

    To protect against card fraud, AMP Bank has successfully employed a fraud monitoring system to detect card fraud since November 2013.

    This system has been developed by Cuscal and operates in near real-time to identify transactions that are potentially fraudulent, based on the cardholder's usage history and other significant data. By monitoring card activities 24 hours a day we can detect and sometimes stop fraudulent or suspicious transactions before they affect your account.

    Any day of the week, if suspicious activity is detected, someone from the AMP Fraud department will contact you between 7:00am and 10:00pm AEST. If fraud is suspected outside of these hours, transactions may be blocked until we reach you.

    Protecting your online access

    We are committed to your safe banking experience and will remedy any unauthorised transactions provided that you did not contribute to the loss by your own fraud or your breach of the user obligations you have under the Account Access and Operating Terms and Conditions.

    To protect yourself you should ensure that you check your account statements on receipt for unauthorised transactions, and should immediately notify AMP Bank when you identify any fraudulent or unauthorised transaction on your account.

    Protecting your privacy

    We take your privacy seriously.

    →  Find out more about how we safeguard your information through our Privacy Policy.

    Confirmation of Payee

    Confirmation of Payee (CoP) is an industry wide initiative by Australian Payments Plus (AP+) and will be implemented by all Australian banks by the end of 2025. It’s an important security feature designed to help protect your funds by giving you greater confidence that you're paying the right person or business. CoP is another layer of security protecting you from fraud and scams.

    How does CoP work?

    When adding or updating a new payee, CoP verifies the account details with the receiving bank to ensure the payee account details entered are correct. It will return a match, close match, no match or error response to you. 

    When someone makes a payment to you, their bank may also use CoP to verify your account details and disclose your account name to the payer before making a payment to you, where the account details are a match or a close match. To protect your privacy, this will not happen where the account details entered are not a match. 

    When is it available?

    Starting 1 May 2025, AMP Bank will verify with the payer’s financial institution your account details when a payment is made to you. This means that the payer’s financial institution will use your account details for CoP, which includes the disclosure of your account name to the payer to confirm a match or close match of your account details, before a payment is made.

    Later in 2025, when you make a payment via online banking, we’ll show you if the recipient’s account details are a match, close match, or no match. This security change will help you know if you’re paying the right person and recognise potential scams before they impact you.

    Can I opt out of having my account details verified by other financial institutions?

    In very limited circumstances you can opt out of having your account details verified by other financial institutions. If you do, then your account details will not be verified by other financial institutions or displayed to payers to indicate a match outcome. However, we may still need to verify your account details with government agencies, for the purpose of them making a payment to you.

    To opt out you’ll need to contact us on 13 30 30. As your account details will not be verified until 1 May 2025, you can contact us about opt out from this date. To understand the opt out process, eligibility and the implications, please contact us on 13 30 30. You can opt back in at any time by contacting us.

    You can find out more about CoP in our Account Operating Terms and Conditions or by visiting Australian Payments Plus.

    NPP fraud monitoring

    We monitor your account 24/7 to help protect it against unauthorised transactions. We’ve partnered with Cuscal to assist in providing our card, payment and fraud monitoring services.

    As part of these security activities, Cuscal’s Fraud Monitoring team may place a hold for certain transactions, while we complete some extra security checks. This gives our AMP Bank and Cuscal fraud officers time to assess whether a transaction is legitimate or potentially fraudulent. 

    What happens if a transaction looks suspicious?   

    Our Cuscal Fraud Monitoring team will contact you about any suspicious transactions. If you tell us a transaction is unauthorised, we’ll cancel it and we’ll return the funds to your account. If you confirm that the transaction is genuine, then we’ll process it to your account. 

    SMS notifications and security 

    You’ll get an SMS at each stage of the fraud monitoring process. To help you distinguish legitimate messages from potential scams, please note that Cuscal will:

    • Ask you to call our AMP Bank Fraud team on 1300 705 750
    • Send SMS messages only from +61 437 126 492 or +61 489 988 024
    • Only ask for Yes / No responses
    • Never ask you for personal details or account information

    →  Learn more about New Payments Platform (NPP), including FAQs.

    Keeping you scam safe

    A worrying 37%* of Australians have lost money to a scam or has a family or friend who has. At AMP Bank your security is our top priority, and we’re committed to keeping you and your money safe.

    Security depends on you too

    A basic understanding of internet banking safety and sensibility goes a long way. See our Online safety for managing your money tips:

    • purchase security software for your computer
    • identify different types of fraud
    • watch for security alerts from AMP Bank
    • protect your security online
    • develop smart habits for your smartphone.

    Contact us


    13 30 30

    Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm
    Saturday and Sunday 9am - 5pm (AEST)

    Other customer enquiries

    131 267

    Mon - Fri: 8.30am – 7pm (AEST)

    Need more information?

    If you have any questions about your AMP accounts, please contact us.

    What you need to know

    It’s important to consider your particular circumstances and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or Terms and Conditions before deciding what’s right for you. This information hasn’t taken your circumstances into account.

    This information is provided by AMP Bank Limited. Read our Financial Services Guide for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided to you. All information on this website is subject to change without notice.

    The credit provider and bank product issuer is AMP Bank Limited ABN 15 081 596 009, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 234517.

    *Australian Banking Association, 2021