Banking FAQs

    Sharing your AMP Bank data through Open Banking



    What is Open Banking?

    Open Banking gives you greater access to and control over your banking data by allowing you to share information with third parties accredited by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

    It’s a quick, easy and secure way to access and share your data, and compare what different providers are offering, while enabling you to make more informed decisions about the products and services you use.

    Open Banking is part of the Australian Government’s Consumer Data Right initiative.

    AMP Bank has two brands registered under the Consumer Data Right (CDR). The brands are based on the account’s BSB number, the portals that customers use to access their accounts, and the products available under each of the brands.

    AMP – My AMP for accounts with BSB 939-200 where customers access their accounts via My AMP online banking portal and the My AMP app.

    AMP Bank - Mobile banking for accounts with BSB 939-900 where account access is via the AMP Bank app.

    AMP's Consumer Data Right policy

    AMP’s Consumer Data Right policy provides information on how AMP Bank manages data under the Open Banking initiative. It describes what data is available for you to share, how to ask for your data to be corrected and how to make a complaint.

    More information on the Consumer Data Right can be found on the Consumer Data Right website.

    FAQs - for accounts with BSB 939-200 and accessed via My AMP and the My AMP app

    For FAQs with BSB 939-900 see next FAQ section below  

    To be eligible to share your data, you must:

    • be over 18
    • be the account holder or appointed secondary user of an active and eligible account with AMP Bank
    • be registered for My AMP
    • make sure your mobile number is available in My AMP for password management when consenting to share data
    • appoint a nominated representative if you’re not an individual (for example a company, corporate trust or other organisation).

    You can share data on the following accounts as long as the account and the person requesting to share data is eligible:

    • Savings and transaction accounts
    • Term deposits
    • Offset accounts
    • Home and investment loans (including AMP Bank's "Line of Credit" product)
    • Business loans (including AMP Bank's "Line of Credit" product).

    You can also choose to share data on an account that has been closed for less than 24 months, provided you still have at least one account with the same BSB as the closed account/s open with us. For example, if you held two accounts with AMP Bank, one with BSB 939-200 and one with BSB 939-900, and you close the one with BSB 939-200, you will not be able to share data from that closed account.

    You can share data on accounts held in your personal name as well as joint accounts held with other individuals.


    Data sharing is also available to accounts held by a single company, a single corporate trustee, and other organisations, including partnerships.


    All AMP Bank deposit, home loan and business loan accounts can share data under the Consumer Data Right. However, some accounts will be limited in how they can share data and may only be able to share identifying information (customer data) about the prime contact on the account.

    Separate consents and data sharing arrangements will be required for accounts with different BSB numbers. For example, if you held two accounts with AMP Bank, one with BSB 939-200 and the other with BSB 939-900, you’ll need to set up separate data sharing arrangements for each of the accounts.  

    You can share:

    • personal information, like your full name, contact details and mailing address
    • account information, including the name on the account, type of account and balance, your current interest rate, and fees and charges that apply to the account
    • transaction details, including incoming and outgoing transactions, transaction dates, transaction descriptions and information about who you’ve sent money to and received money from.

    When sharing joint account data on joint accounts held by two or more individuals, personal information will only be shared for the joint account holder who initiated the sharing arrangement. If you did not initiate the sharing arrangement, then your personal information will not be shared with the data recipient.

    You can provide your consent on the website or app of an accredited data recipient. You’ll then be taken to the consent portal to access My AMP where you’ll confirm what data you’d like to share.


    Step 1: Enter your My AMP username and click 'Continue'. For added security reasons, you won’t need to enter your My AMP password.


    Step 2: We’ll send a unique one-time password to your mobile number registered in My AMP. Please enter this and click 'Continue'.


    Step 3: Choose the account you’d like to share and click 'Continue'.


    Step 4: Review the details and click 'Yes, I confirm'. We’ll then take you back to the accredited data recipient’s website or app.


    All eligible accounts are set to ‘sharing enabled’ as a default.  To enable data sharing on a joint account, all account holders must ensure that their data sharing preference is set to ‘sharing enabled’.


    Step 1: Log into My AMP and select "Manage data sharing" under your profile in the top left of the screen.


    Step 2: Click on “Joint account data sharing” to see which accounts have data sharing enabled.


    When you add, change, or stop a data sharing arrangement, email notifications will be sent to the other joint account holders with details of the changes you’ve made. You can manage the frequency or disable your own data sharing notifications relating to joint accounts in My AMP.

    If you don’t want to share your joint account data on accounts held by two or more individuals, you can change your preference to ‘sharing disabled’ following the below steps. Once changed, the account will be unavailable to share, and will be removed from any active consents. Other joint account holders will also not be able to share the joint account data.


    Step 1: Log into My AMP and select "Manage data sharing" under your profile in the top left of the screen.


    Step 2: Click on “Joint account data sharing”, select ‘Manage’ and disable data sharing.


    Once changed, the account will be unavailable to share, and will be removed from any active consents and other joint account holders won’t be able to share the joint account data. If you decide to change your preference back to ‘sharing enabled’, data sharing will not recommence, and a new consent is required to enable data to be shared on the joint account.


    When you add, change, or stop a data sharing arrangement, notifications will be sent to the other joint account holders with details of the changes you’ve made. You can manage the frequency or disable your own data sharing notifications relating to joint accounts in My AMP.

    You can view and manage your active consents in My AMP. You’ll also be able to view details on any previous consents which have expired or been withdrawn.


    Step 1: Log into My AMP and select "Manage data sharing" under your profile in the top left of the screen.


    Step 2: Click on the 'Active' or 'Archived' consent you’d like to manage.

    As an account holder, you can appoint another person as a secondary user for the purpose of Open Banking if they have third party access to your account in My AMP. Any request by the secondary user to initiate data sharing on your account(s) will not be successful unless the secondary user is a third party with full access to your account. 


    To appoint someone as a third party with full access to your account, please complete the Third Party Access form. If you’re not sure if the person to be appointed already has access, call us on 13 30 30.


    To allow a third party who has been granted full access to initiate and manage data sharing on your behalf you will need to appoint them as a secondary user in My AMP:


    Step 1: Log into My AMP and select "Manage data sharing" under your profile in the top right of the screen.


    Step 2: Click on “Secondary use data sharing” then select the individual you wish to appoint as a secondary user.


    Step 3: You will have the option to appoint this individual as a secondary user and select which accounts they will be able to data share on.


    Once you have appointed a secondary user, they will be able to initiate or manage data sharing consent on your behalf. A notification will be sent to you and any other joint owner/s of the account when a secondary user initiates or manages a consent. You will be able to view the details of consents authorised by a secondary user in My AMP.

    When a secondary user initiates a consent on behalf of someone else, they will be sharing the transactional details of the account as well as their personal customer information such as their name and contact details. As the account holder is not the initiator of the sharing consent, the personal information of the account holder will not be shared. This is except for individual trusts, of which we will share the details of the individual trust and not the secondary user.

    As the account owner you will be able view active, expired or withdrawn consents initiated by a secondary user. You will also be able to remove a secondary user’s ability to data share in My AMP at any time by disabling their access.


    Step 1: Log into My AMP and select "Manage data sharing" under your profile in the top left of the screen.


    Step 2: Click on “Secondary use data sharing” then select the individual you wish to manage as a secondary user.


    Step 3: You will have the option to appoint or disable this individual as a secondary user.


    As an account owner, you will be able to disable a secondary user to stop them from data sharing on your account. When you disable a secondary user’s ability to data share, all consents authorised by them will cease. If you want the accredited data recipient to continue receiving your data, a new consent will need to be authorised by you, another account holder or another secondary user. If you decide to re-appoint the person as a secondary user, data sharing will not recommence on any consents they previously authorised, and a new consent is required to enable data to be shared by them.


    If you remove a third party with full access from your account and this person was enabled as a secondary user, data sharing on consents authorised by this person will cease. If you decide to re-appoint the person as a third party with full access to your account, data sharing will not recommence on any consents they previously authorised, and a new consent is required to enable data to be shared by them.

    To share data you must appoint a CDR nominated representative by completing the Open Banking data sharing authority form. This form can also be used to remove someone you’ve appointed in the past. CDR nominated representatives have the authority to initiate and manage data sharing on behalf of the company, corporate trust, partnership, or other organisation in My AMP. You can appoint more than one nominated representative.


    Directors/partners can appoint themselves and/or other representatives as CDR nominated representatives using the form.


    Directors/partners who aren’t CDR nominated representatives can view details of all data sharing arrangements consented to by nominated representatives in My AMP, but can’t manage data sharing.


    To be eligible for nomination, the person/s must have access to the organisation’s account online at My AMP. If they don’t have access, please complete a Third Party Access form for each nominated representative. If you’re not sure if the person to be appointed already has access, call us on 13 30 30.


    If an account has multiple nominated representatives, and one is removed, data sharing will continue on behalf of the account holder. Data sharing will cease when all nominated representatives have been removed.


    For joint accounts where the account holders are not all individuals or where the account is held by at least one party that is an individual holding the account on behalf of another person (for example, those held jointly by two or more companies and/or corporate trustees, or held jointly by a company and an individual trustee or held by an individual and an individual trustee), the data sharing capability on the account will depend on which joint account holder was listed first on the application form. These scenarios and the data sharing capability are tabled below.


    You can call us on 13 30 30 to check which one of the joint account holders is able to data share and the type of data that they can share.


     Accounts held jointly by:   Customer type named first on original account application   Who can share data   Example   What data is shared?

    Company/s or corporate trust/s AND individual/s.


    The individuals may be directors, or not.

                                           Company or corporate trustee.                                        The CDR nominated representative appointed by the company / corporate trustee.                                        

    Account held jointly by Company A AND Individual B. Company A has  appointed person Z as its CDR nominated representative.


    Only person Z can share data, Individual B is not able to share data.

                                            Joint account and transaction data and the customer data of the company / corporate trustee.
    As above   Individual   No data sharing by either the CDR nominated rep/s or individual joint account holder   Neither person Z nor Individual B are able to share data.   No data sharing.
    Individual trustee/s AND individuals in their personal capacity. The individuals may be the same persons as the trustees, or not.   Individual trustee/s   Only trustees can share data.  

    Account held jointly by A Able and B Ben as trustees for the Able and
    Ben Trust AND Individual C Con.


    Only A Able or B Ben can share data, Individual C Con is not able to share data.

      Joint account and transaction data and the customer data of the trust.
    As above   Individual in their personal capacity   No data sharing by either the trustees or the Individual joint account holder   No data sharing by A Able, B Ben or C Con.   No data sharing.

    Company/s AND corporate trustees.  Could have the same directors, or not.


    (Eg Company D and Company / Corporate Trustee E)

      Company D   The CDR nominated representative of Company D or Company / Corporate trustee E can share data.                                        

    Account held jointly by Company D and Corporate trustee E. Company D appoints person F as its CDR Nominated Representative and Corporate Trustee E appoints person G.

    Both persons F and G can share data.

      Joint account and transaction data and the customer data of Company D only, regardless of which CDR Nominated Rep shared the data.
    As above   Company/ Corporate trustee E   As above   As above   Joint account and transaction data and the customer data of Company E only, regardless of which CDR Nominated Rep shared the data.
    Company or corporate trustee AND an individual trustee. Director/s of company or corporate trustee could be the same person/s as Individual trustee, or not.   Company / corporate trustee   The CDR nominated representative of the company or corporate trustee.  

    Account held jointly by Company H and individuals as trustees of Trust
    I. Company H appoints person J as its CDR nominated representative. Person J is able to share data.


    Individual trustees of Trust I are not able to share data.

      Joint account and transaction data and the customer data of Company H.
    As above   Individuals as trustees of trust   No data sharing by the trustees or the CDR nominated representative of the company/ corporate trust.   No data sharing by either person J or the trustees of Trust I.   No data sharing.

    Individual trustee/s AND Individual


    (Eg Trust K and Trust L)

      Trust K  

    Only trustees of Trust K can share


    If however, Trust L was named first, then only trustees of Trust L can share data.


    Account held jointly by individuals as trustees of Trust K and by individuals as trustees of Trust L. Only trustees of Trust K can share data.

    The trustees of Trust L are unable to data share.

      Joint account and transaction data and the customer data of Trustees of Trust K (or L, depending on who was named first in the application).

    If you have been appointed as a Power of Attorney and wish to manage data sharing on the behalf of the account owner, please contact us.

    There may be several reasons why:

    • The accredited data recipient is experiencing technical issues.
    • You may have sharing disabled or you’re not eligible for data sharing.
    • The account is in joint names of individuals and the other account holders have sharing disabled or aren’t eligible for data sharing.
    • The account you’re trying to share isn’t eligible.
    • The account is held by an account holder type that is not yet available to share.
    • The data you are trying to share is not yet available to share.
    • You have an account held jointly with another type of entity, like a company or a corporate trustee, that falls within one of the categories that are tabled in the FAQ How can I share data on accounts held in the name of a company, corporate trust, partnership or other organisation?
    • Security reasons.
    • AMP Bank may have been asked by the regulators to temporarily stop sharing data with that accredited data recipient.
    • The account may not be available to view in My AMP.*
    • The account is in the name of a company, corporate trust, partnership, or other organisation and a CDR nominated representative has not been appointed.

    * We can only share account data on eligible accounts that are available in your My AMP profile. Call us on 13 30 30 to add any of your accounts with BSB 939-200 that you can’t see on My AMP.

    For information about why you may not be able to share some of your accounts, refer to “What accounts are eligible for Open Banking?” above. Any accounts closed for more than 24 months are also not available to share.


    Meanwhile, other accounts mightn’t be visible as you may have chosen not to have access to these accounts in My AMP. We can only share account data on eligible accounts that are available in your My AMP profile. Call us on 13 30 30 to add any of your accounts that you can’t see on My AMP.

    You can withdraw your consent in My AMP or by contacting us. Once you've withdrawn your consent, we’ll no longer share your data with that accredited data recipient.


    Step 1: Log into My AMP and select "Manage data sharing" under your profile in the top left of the screen.


    Step 2: Select the 'Active' consent that you want to withdraw and select 'Stop sharing'.

    If you stop sharing your data with an accredited data recipient and withdraw your consent, you can contact the accredited data recipient and ask them to delete your data from their records.

    Strong privacy safeguards are built into the Consumer Data Right system to make sure your data is protected.


    To learn more about how we handle your data, please read our Privacy Policy.

    There’s no charge for you to share your data with an accredited data recipient. AMP Bank will also not charge accredited data recipients for receiving your data.

    FAQs - for accounts with BSB 939-900 and accessed via the AMP Bank app

    For FAQs with BSB 939-200 see FAQ section above 

    To be eligible to share your data, you must:

    • be over 18
    • be the account holder with an active and eligible account 
    • have the latest version of the AMP Bank app downloaded on your device
    • appoint a nominated representative if you’re not an individual (for example a company).

    You can share data on the following accounts as long as the account and the person requesting to share data is eligible:

    • Everyday accounts
    • Everyday Business accounts

    You can also choose to share data on an account that has been closed for less than 24 months, provided you still have at least one account with the same BSB as the closed account/s open with us. For example, if you held two accounts with AMP Bank, one with BSB 939-200 and one with BSB 939-900, and you close the one with BSB 939-900, you will not be able to share data from that closed account.

    You can share data on accounts held in your personal name as well as joint accounts held with another individual (when joint accounts are available).

    Data sharing is also available to accounts held by a company or sole trader.

    You can share:

    • Personal information, like your full name, contact details and mailing address
    • Account information, including the name on the account, type of account and balance, your current interest rate, and fees and charges that apply to the account
    • Transaction details, including incoming and outgoing transactions, transaction dates, transaction descriptions and information about who you’ve sent money to and received money from

    You can provide your consent on the website or app of an accredited data recipient. You’ll then be taken to the consent portal to access the AMP Bank app where you’ll confirm what data you’d like to share.

    For consents initiated from an ADR’s website, have your registered email address and mobile that’s linked to your AMP Bank account ready. After entering the email address and phone number linked to your account, you confirm and send a data sharing agreement, which is accessible in your AMP Bank app. Once your data sharing agreement has been confirmed in-app, the website will display a QR code to scan, allowing you to validate your sharing agreement. Once validated, you will be redirected back to the ADR’s website.

    For consents initiated from an ADR’s app, it’s even quicker as you’ll be directed straight to the AMP Bank app to log in and you’ll then be able to select the accounts you want to share. Following confirmation of your sharing agreement you will be redirected back to the ADR’s app.

    You can view and manage your active consents in the AMP Bank app. You’ll also be able to view details on any previous consents which have expired or been withdrawn.

    Step 1: Log into the AMP Bank app and select "Open banking data sharing” after clicking on the small profile icon in the top right hand corner of your screen. 

    Step 2: Click on the 'Active sharing arrangements' or 'Historic sharing arrangements' consent you’d like to manage.

    To share data you must appoint a CDR nominated representative. At this stage only directors of the company can appoint themselves as CDR nominated representatives to initiate and manage data sharing on behalf of the company. For multi-director companies, you can appoint more than one director as a nominated representative.

    Directors who aren’t CDR nominated representatives can view details of all data sharing arrangements consented to by nominated representatives in their AMP Bank apps, but can’t manage data sharing.

    Whether an account has only a single nominated representative or multiple representatives, if any one or all are removed, data sharing will continue on behalf of the account holder until the current arrangement expires.

    If you have been appointed as a Power of Attorney and wish to manage data sharing on the behalf of the account owner, please contact us via the AMP Bank app.

    There may be several reasons why:

    • The accredited data recipient is experiencing technical issues
    • You may have sharing disabled or you’re not eligible for data sharing
    • The account you’re trying to share isn’t eligible
    • The data you are trying to share is not yet available to share
    • Security reasons
    • AMP Bank may have been asked by the regulators to temporarily stop sharing data with that accredited data recipient
    • The account may not be available to view in the AMP Bank app
    • The account is in the name of a company and a CDR nominated representative has not been appointed

    For information about why you may not be able to share some of your accounts, refer to “What accounts are eligible for Open Banking?” above. Any accounts closed for more than 24 months are also not available to share.

    We can only share account data on eligible accounts that are available in your AMP Bank app. Call us on 1800 950 105 if you can’t see the accounts in the AMP Bank app.

    You can withdraw your consent in AMP Bank app or by contacting us. Once you've withdrawn your consent, we’ll no longer share your data with that accredited data recipient.


    Step 1: Log into the AMP Bank app and select "Open banking data sharing” after clicking on the small profile icon in the top right hand corner of your screen. 


    Step 2: Select the 'Active sharing arrangements' consent that you want to withdraw and select 'Cancel sharing agreement'.

    If you stop sharing your data with an accredited data recipient and withdraw your consent, you can contact the accredited data recipient and ask them to delete your data from their records.

    Strong privacy safeguards are built into the Consumer Data Right system to make sure your data is protected.


    To learn more about how we handle your data, please read our Privacy Policy.

    There’s no charge for you to share your data with an accredited data recipient. AMP Bank will also not charge accredited data recipients for receiving your data.

    1. I’m a developer. Where do I find more information?

     Visit our developer portal for more information about our APIs.

    Important information

    The product issuer and credit provider is AMP Bank Limited ABN 15 081 596 009, AFSL and Australian credit licence 234517.

    It’s important to consider your circumstances and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or Terms and Conditions before deciding what’s right for you. This information hasn’t taken your circumstances into account.  

    Terms and conditions apply and are available at or 13 30 30.  This information is provided by AMP Bank Limited. Read our Financial Services Guide available at for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided to you. All information on this website is subject to change without notice.

    AMP Bank aims to provide accurate information on this webpage. From time to time, the information contained on this webpage may be outdated or contain inaccuracies in the form of errors or omissions. When this happens, AMP Bank will correct these errors or omissions as soon as practicable after being notified of them or identifying them.

    AMP Bank is a member of the Australian Banking Association (ABA) and is committed to the standards in the Banking Code of Practice.