Understanding and managing your financial position can sometimes be a lot, here is some information and links to help you.
Quick links
Here are the forms most often needed for hardship assistance and life changes or challenges. If you'd rather speak to someone, please get in touch.
Use our handy calculators to see the difference small changes can make to your budget, savings or home loan.

Financial counsellors
If you’re suffering financial hardship, it may help to talk to a financial counsellor who can provide guidance on how to manage your debts and finances. For free financial counselling, call 1800 007 007 or visit the National Debt Helpline.
If you choose to use a financial counsellor and you would like us to talk to them, you'll need to complete a Financial Counsellor Authorisation form. Your financial counsellor will help you complete this form (or their own version).

Good Shepherd
If you’re experiencing hardship, have trouble managing your money or going through tough times, Good Shepherd offer support services, financial counselling and a program to help build your money skills.
Phone: 1300 054 500
Community and government support directory
Here’s a list of community and government organisations that offer further support and services.
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Services Australia (Centrelink) |
Information about Centrelink social security payments and services. | servicesaustralia.gov.au/centrelink | ||||
Australian government concessions |
Concession and health care cards, plus information about concessions available in your state or territory. | servicesaustralia.gov.au/concession-and-health-care-cards | ||||
NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) |
Provides funding to eligible people with disability to gain an improved quality of life. Connects anyone with disability to services in their community. |
ndis.gov.au | 1800 184 527 3pm – midnight, 7 days |
My Aged Care | Australian Government-funded aged care services. | myagedcare.gov.au | 1800 020 103 | |||
Natural disaster support |
Support for people directly affected by a declared natural disaster. You may be able to get both Australian Government and state or territory support. |
servicesaustralia.gov.au/natural-disaster-support |
Australian Taxation Office |
Information about managing tax and super if you experience financial difficulties or disasters. |
ato.gov.au | ||||
Find unclaimed money |
Simple search tools to find unclaimed money from banks, shares and life insurance. |
moneysmart.gov.au/tools-and-resources/find-unclaimed-money |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Ask Izzy | Connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help, support with violence at home, mental health and more. | askizzy.org.au | ||||
Uniting | Provides help, support & guidance, food parcels and financial assistance. | uniting.org | ||||
Mission Australia | Helps meet basic needs in times of crisis or hardship with food vouchers, travel vouchers and limited financial assistance for rental bonds. | missionaustralia.com.au | ||||
Services Australia (Centrelink) crisis payments |
A one-off non-taxable payment if you’ve experienced an extreme circumstance and are in severe financial hardship. |
servicesaustralia.gov.au/crisis-payment | 1800 020 103 | |||
No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) |
Access to fair and safe loans for eligible people on low incomes, with no interest, fees or charges, and affordable repayments over up to 2 years. Find out if you’re eligible and what it can be used for. | goodshep.org.au/services/nils | ||||
Natural disaster support |
Support for people directly affected by a declared natural disaster. You may be able to get both Australian Government and state or territory support. |
servicesaustralia.gov.au/natural-disaster-support |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Money Smart | Financial guidance for all Australians, including tips and tools to help make the most of your money. An initiative of the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC). | moneysmart.gov.au | ||||
Way Forward |
Free advice and financial support to help deal with debt and set up a solution including handling creditors, negotiating better outcomes and providing debt relief. |
wayforward.org.au | 1300 045 502 | |||
National Debt Helpline |
Financial counselling is a free, confidential service to assist if you’re in financial difficulty. |
ndh.org.au | 1800 007 007 | |||
Good Shepherd |
Good Shepherd provides no-interest loans, counselling and a Financial Independence Hub to help build confidence, capability and independence. |
goodshep.org.au | 1300 054 500 9am – 5pm (Sydney time) |
Services Australia |
Tips and information on managing your money. |
servicesaustralia.gov.au/manage-your-money | ||||
Saver Plus –Brotherhood of St Laurence |
Saver Plus is a financial education program for families and individuals on a tight budget to develop life-long savings habits. Build financial skills and receive up to $500 (matched savings) to assist with education costs. |
bsl.org.au | 1300 610 355 | |||
Credit Smart |
Helpful information on financial hardship arrangements, what’s reported on your credit report and further support. |
creditsmart.org.au/financial-hardship |
Name | Details | Website | ||
National Association of Community Legal Centres |
Community Legal Centres provide legal and related services to socially and economically disadvantaged people. Find a Community Legal Centre near you. |
clcs.org.au/legal-help | ||
Legal Aid |
Legal Aid is a government service in each state and territory that provides free legal services. Find contact details for state and territory legal aid offices. |
nationallegalaid.org/contact |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Beyond Blue |
Mental health support for people who are concerned about anxiety, depression or suicide. Talk to a trained counsellor by phone or online chat. | beyondblue.org.au | 1300 22 46 36 Available 24/7 |
Lifeline |
A confidential service providing support to anyone in Australia who is feeling overwhelmed, having difficulty coping or thinking about suicide. Call or online chat. |
lifeline.org.au | 13 11 14 Available 24/7 |
Suicide Call Back Service | Free phone and online counselling for people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, and bereaved by suicide. |
suicidecallbackservice.org.au | 1300 659 467 Available 24/7 |
Kids Help Line | Free, confidential counselling, mental health and wellbeing information and referrals for young people aged 5 to 25 years. Call or online chat. | kidshelpline.com.au | 1800 551 800 Available 24/7 |
Mensline Australia |
Free telephone and online counselling for men. Qualified counsellors specialise in relationship breakdown, separation and divorce, parenting, family violence, and emotional wellbeing. |
mensline.org.au | 1300 78 99 78 Available 24/7 |
GriefLine |
GriefLine provides free confidential telephone support for people experiencing grief or loss. |
griefline.org.au | 1300 845 745 8am - 8pm, 7 days a week |
13YARN |
National crisis support line for mob who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping. Talk one-on-one with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter. Free and confidential service available 24/7 from any mobile or pay phone. |
13yarn.org.au | 13 92 76 Available 24/7 |
Head to Health | The Head to Health National Digital Mental Health Gateway provides easy access to digital mental health services, information and support. | headtohealth.gov.au | ||||
Australian Department of Health | Information about mental health support and services. | health.gov.au/health-topics/mental-health |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
1800Respect |
Free, confidential information, counselling and support service for anyone in Australia who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence or sexual assault. | 1800respect.org.au | 1800 737 732 Available 24/7 |
Mensline Australia | A free telephone and online counselling service offering support for men anywhere, anytime. Qualified counsellors specialise in family and relationship issues, including relationship breakdown, separation and divorce, parenting, family violence, and emotional wellbeing. | mensline.org.au | 1300 78 99 78 Available 24/7 |
Good Shepherd | Good Shepherd offer support services, financial counselling and a financial independence program to help you feel more confident with money and build your financial skills. | goodshep.org.au/services/fih | 1300 054 500 9am – 5pm (Sydney time) |
Relationships Australia |
Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. |
relationships.org.au | 1300 364 277 | |||
State-based support |
Find domestic and family violence support services in your state via the Department of Social Services website. |
dss.gov.au/ending-violence/help-and-support | ||||
Compass 1800 ELDERHelp |
Elder abuse victim support. National number redirects you to the phone line in your state or territory. Operating hours and services vary. |
compass.info/resources | 1800 353 374 (1800 ELDERHelp) |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Homelessness Australia | Find support organisations in your state or territory that can help you if you’re homeless, at risk of being homeless or experiencing domestic and family violence. | homelessnessaustralia.org.au/homelessness-services | ||||
Ask Izzy | Free and anonymous website to search for housing, food, health care and legal help in your area. |
askizzy.org.au | ||||
Mission Australia | Helps meet basic needs in times of crisis or hardship with food vouchers, travel vouchers and limited financial assistance for rental bonds. | missionaustralia.com.au | 1800 269 672 | |||
Australian Red Cross |
The Red Cross can help you look for suitable shelter. They also give meals to people with low incomes or housing problems. |
redcross.org.au/get-help/community-services/homelessness-services | 1800 733 276 | |||
Salvation Army |
The Salvation Army helps people across Australia to find housing and support services. |
salvationarmy.org.au/need-help/homelessness-support-services | 13 72 58 (13 SALVOS) |
Vinnies (St Vincent de Paul Society) |
Vinnies offers services across Australia that help people in need. |
vinnies.org.au | 13 18 12 | |||
Uniting | Uniting support young people, adults, and families who are homeless, at risk of being homeless, or escaping domestic violence. | uniting.org/services/housing-and-homelessness | 1800 864 846 (1800 UNITING) 8am - 6pm, Monday to Friday |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Gambling Help Online |
Free anonymous help for anyone affected by gambling. |
gamblinghelponline.org.au | 1800 858 858 Available 24/7 |
Alcohol Drug Information Service (ADIS) |
Confidential support for people struggling with addiction. |
health.gov.au/our-work/drug-help | 1800 250 015 Available 24/7 |
SMART Recovery Australia (Self Management and Recovery Training) |
A free group program assisting any problematic behaviours, including addiction to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, food, shopping, Internet and others. |
smartrecoveryaustralia.com.au | ||||
SMART Recovery Australia (Self Management and Recovery Training) |
A nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. NA are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. |
na.org.au | 1300 652 820 | |||
Alcoholics Anonymous |
A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. |
aa.org.au | 1300 222 222 |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Workforce Australia |
Workforce Australia is a place Australians can search and apply for jobs or find more information on their pathway to employment. |
workforceaustralia.gov.au | ||||
Job Access |
Gives people with disability, employers, service providers and the community access to information about services, financial assistance and workplace solutions. |
jobaccess.gov.au | ||||
Services Australia (Centrelink) |
Services and payments to help you if you’re unemployed. What you can get depends on your circumstances. If you get a redundancy payment, a waiting period may apply before support payments can start. |
servicesaustralia.gov.au/work | ||||
Financial Information Service |
Services Australia provide a free financial service to help you make decisions about your finances. |
servicesaustralia.gov.au/financial-information-service | 13 23 00 | |||
Fair Entitlements Guarantee |
If your employer went bankrupt or into liquidation and owed you entitlements, you may get financial help from the Australian Government (Department of Employment & Workplace Relations). |
dewr.gov.au/fair-entitlements-guarantee | ||||
Fair Work Ombudsman |
If you lost your job and didn’t get your entitlements, the Fair Work Ombudsman may help recover what’s outstanding. |
fairwork.gov.au | 13 13 94 Check what to do before you call. |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Department of Health |
Information about health support and services listed by topic. | health.gov.au/health-topics | 1300 78 99 78 Available 24/7 |
NDIS (National Disability Insurance Agency) |
The NDIS provides funding to eligible people with disability to gain an improved quality of life. The NDIS also connects anyone with disability to services in their community. |
ndis.gov.au | 1800 184 527 3pm – midnight, 7 days |
Healthdirect Australia |
Speak to a registered nurse about your health concerns. It can help if you're not sure if you should see a doctor or manage your condition at home. |
healthdirect.gov.au | 1800 022 222 Available 24/7 |
Services Australia | Access Medicare and some health services at low or no cost. Help for people with disability or if you're caring for someone. |
servicesaustralia.gov.au/health-and-disability | ||||
Disability Gateway |
Information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find the support they need in Australia. |
disabilitygateway.gov.au | 1800 050 321 8am - 8pm, Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm, Saturday |
Job Access |
Gives people with disability, employers, service providers and the community access to information about services, financial assistance and workplace solutions. |
jobaccess.gov.au | ||||
Disability Advocacy Finder |
Find a Disability Advocate near you - someone who can ensure your choices and rights are respected and you are being treated fairly. | askizzy.org.au/disability-advocacy-finder |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
My Aged Care |
Australian Government-funded aged care services. |
myagedcare.gov.au | 1800 200 422 | |||
Compass (1800 ELDERHelp) |
Elder abuse victim support. The national number redirects you to the phone line in your state or territory. Operating hours and services vary. |
compass.info/resources | 1800 353 374 (1800 ELDERHelp) |
Dementia Australia |
Information for people living with dementia, and for their family, friends and carers. |
dementia.org.au | 1800 100 500 | |||
Dementia Support Australia |
Dementia Support Australia helps health care professionals and family members supporting a person living with dementia. Specialised clinical support and advice for carers of people living with dementia when they experience changes in behaviour. |
dementia.com.au | 1800 699 799 Available 24/7 |
Australian Red Cross |
Social support and aged care services. |
redcross.org.au/services/services-for-older-people | ||||
G’Day Line |
Free national phone support service which offers older Australians an opportunity to have an anonymous, friendly chat with a volunteer over the phone. |
griefline.org.au/gday-line | 1300 920 552 8am - 8pm, 7 days a week |
Advance Care Planning Australia | Advance care planning involves making some decisions now about the health care you would or would not like to receive if you were to become seriously ill and unable to communicate your preferences or make treatment decisions. | advancecareplanning.org.au | ||||
eSafety Seniors | Online safety advice and support for older Australians. | esafety.gov.au/seniors | ||||
Council on the Ageing (COTA) |
Consumer body protecting the wellbeing of older people. |
cota.org.au |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Mob Strong Debt Help line |
A free nationwide legal advice and financial counselling service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Information about money problems, debt or insurance & super. |
financialrights.org.au | 1800 808 488 9.30am - 4.30pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday |
Money Smart |
Information and resources on managing money for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. |
moneysmart.gov.au/indigenous | ||||
Brother to Brother |
The Brother to Brother crisis line provides phone support for Aboriginal men who need someone to talk to about relationship issues, family violence, parenting, drug and alcohol issues or who are struggling to cope for other reasons. |
dardimunwurro.com.au | 1800 435 799 | |||
Thirrili (after suicide support) |
Support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the aftermath of suicide or other fatal critical incidents. |
thirrili.com.au | 1800 805 801 Available 24/7 |
National Indigenous support |
Connecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with Australian Government policies and programs. |
indigenous.gov.au | ||||
Services Australia (Centrelink) |
There is a range of payments and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. |
servicesaustralia.gov.au/payments-and-support-for-indigenous-australians | ||||
Connection, Strength and Resilience Portal (NACCHO) |
Resources aimed at supporting resilience and reducing social and emotional harms to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. |
naccho.org.au/connection-strength-resilience | ||||
Australian Taxation Office Indigenous helpline | Help with tax and super for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, businesses and not-for-profit organisations. If you’re on a low income, you can get free help from our trained volunteers at tax time. | ato.gov.au/aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-peoples | 13 10 30 |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Rural Financial Counselling Service |
Free, unbiased, independent, confidential and expert support for farmers, fishers, foresters and other rural businesses. RFCS Network’s national information line will connect you with your nearest RFCS office. |
agriculture.gov.au | 1300 771 741 | |||
Rural Aid |
Disaster support and programs that increase the resilience and sustainability of farmers, families and rural communities. |
ruralaid.org.au | 1300 327 624 | |||
Virtual Psychologist |
Free text-based counselling for rural and remote Australians. Appointments 9am – 8pm, subject to availability. |
Text 0488 807 266 |
TIACS (This Is A Conversation Starter) |
Free, confidential counselling service for tradies, truckies, farmers, rural and blue-collar workers, and those that care about them. Up to 8 free sessions via text or call with the same counsellor. |
tiacs.org/how-it-works | 0488 846 988 Call or text 8am - 10pm, Monday to Friday |
Are you Bogged Mate? |
Helping country blokes talk about mental health and suicide while spreading awareness about depression in the bush. |
areyouboggedmate.com.au | ||||
ifarmwell |
Free online tool kit to help farmers cope effectively with life’s challenges and get the most out of every day, regardless of the circumstances they face. |
ifarmwell.com.au | ||||
Natural disaster support |
Support for people directly affected by a declared natural disaster. You may be able to get both Australian Government and state or territory natural disaster support. |
servicesaustralia.gov.au/natural-disaster-support | ||||
Services Australia (Centrelink) | There are payments and services available to support you if you live in a rural or remote area of Australia. | servicesaustralia.gov.au/living-rural-or-remote-area |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Mensline Australia | A free telephone and online counselling service offering support for men anywhere, anytime. Qualified counsellors specialise in family and relationship issues, including relationship breakdown, separation and divorce, parenting, family violence, and emotional wellbeing. | mensline.org.au | 1300 78 99 78 Available 24/7 |
QLife | QLife provides anonymous, LGBTIQ+ peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. Our services are for LGBTIQ+ individuals, their friends and families, and health professionals. | qlife.org.au | 1800 184 527 3pm – midnight, 7 days |
Relationships Australia |
Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. |
relationships.org.au | 1300 364 277 | |||
Divorce & separation financial checklist |
ASIC’s Moneysmart website has a checklist with practical steps to organise and separate your finances after a break-up. |
moneysmart.gov.au | ||||
Family Relationship Advice Line |
A national telephone service that helps families affected by relationship or separation issues, including information on parenting arrangements after separation. |
familyrelationships.gov.au | 1800 050 321 8am - 8pm, Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm, Saturday |
GriefLine | A national helpline that offers free, compassionate and confidential support for grief and loss. | griefline.org.au | 1300 845 745 8am - 8pm, 7 days a week |
Services Australia (Centrelink) |
Information about how separating affects your payments. Help with child support arrangements between separated parents. | servicesaustralia.gov.au/separated-parents |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
COPE (Centre of Perinatal Excellence) |
Providing support for the emotional challenges of becoming a parent. |
cope.org.au | 1 300 740 398 9am - 5pm (AEST), Monday to Friday |
PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia) |
PANDA supports the mental health of parents and families during pregnancy and in their first year of parenthood. |
panda.org.au | 1300 726 306 9am - 7.30pm, Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm, Saturdays |
Kids Help Line |
Free confidential and private counselling, mental health and wellbeing information and referrals for young people aged 5 to 25 years. Call or chat online. |
kidshelpline.com.au | 1800 551 800 Available 24/7 |
ReachOut |
A national online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. Practical support, tools and tips help young people get through anything from everyday issues to tough times. |
au.reachout.com | 13 11 14 Available 24/7 |
Services Australia (Centrelink) |
Payments and services to help with the cost of raising a child. Information about child care and child support. |
servicesaustralia.gov.au/raising-kids | ||||
Carer Gateway |
Emotional and practical support and services for carers – including counselling, skills coaching and respite. |
carergateway.gov.au | 1800 422 737 | |||
Services Australia (Centrelink) |
Payments, allowances and support for carers. |
servicesaustralia.gov.au/getting-support-if-youre-caring-for-someone |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Translating and Interpreting Service National (TIS National) |
TIS National is an interpreting service for people with limited or no English to access services and information in Australia. Services are provided over the phone, via video conference, or in person at appointments. |
tisnational.gov.au/en/Non-English-speakers/Available-services | 131 450 Available 24/7 |
Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) |
Learning English can help you to settle into your new life in Australia. You may be eligible for free English language tuition if you are a migrant or humanitarian entrant. View information about AMEP in different languages. | immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/settling-in-australia/amep | ||||
Reading Writing Hotline |
A free national referral service for adults who want help with reading, writing or basic maths. |
readingwritinghotline.edu.au | 1300 6 555 06 |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Triple Zero (000) Emergency services | If you need urgent help from police, fire or ambulance services, call triple zero (000). | triplezero.gov.au | 000 | |||
State Emergency Services (SES) | SES volunteers are trained to assist in a wide range of emergency situations, and can provide invaluable support during times of crisis. | ses.org.au | 132 500 For emergency help in flood and storm |
Australian Bureau of Meteorology | Weather warnings including flood, fire, heatwave, tropical cyclone and tsunami. | bom.gov.au | ||||
National Emergency Management Agency | Helping communities in times of emergency while preparing Australia for future disasters. | |||||
Natural disaster support | Support for people directly affected by a declared natural disaster. You may be able to get both Australian Government and state or territory natural disaster support. | servicesaustralia.gov.au/natural-disaster-support | ||||
Disaster Assist (Australian Government) | The Disaster Assist website provides information on support for disaster-impacted areas. If a disaster has been declared in your Local Government Area you can apply for disaster recovery payments. | disasterassist.gov.au | ||||
healthdirect | Preparing for a natural disaster, coping and recovering. | healthdirect.gov.au/natural-disasters | ||||
Australian Red Cross | Practical help and resources to use before, during and after emergencies. Download an emergency REDiPlan or their Get Prepared app. | redcross.org.au/emergencies | 1800 733 276 (1800 RED CROSS) |
Lifeline | A confidential service providing support to anyone in Australia who is feeling overwhelmed, having difficulty coping or thinking about suicide. Call or online chat available 24/7. | lifeline.org.au | 13 11 14 | |||
GriefLine | A national helpline that offers free, compassionate and confidential support for grief and loss. | griefline.org.au | 1300 845 745 8am - 8pm, 7 days a week |
Name | Details | Website | Phone | |||
Small Business Debt Helpline |
Free, independent and confidential advice and financial counselling for small business owners and sole traders. |
sbdh.org.au | 1800 413 828 9am - 5.30pm, Monday to Friday |
Rural Financial Counselling Service |
Free, unbiased, independent, confidential and expert support for farmers, fishers, foresters and other rural businesses. RFCS Network’s national information line will connect you with your nearest RFCS office. | agriculture.gov.au | 1300 771 741 | |||
RIC (Regional Investment Corporation) |
An Australian Government provider of low-interest loans for eligible farm businesses and farm-related businesses. |
ric.gov.au | 1800 875 675 8.30am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday (except NSW public holidays) |
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