We're here to help
Losing a loved one is one of life’s most heartbreaking moments. We’re here to help during this difficult time. Our contact centre will assist you with any initial enquiries and will provide information about how to officially notify us about a loss and settling the estate.
Telling us about a loss
It can be difficult letting people know that a family member or a friend has passed away, especially when you're experiencing grief and loss. If you don't feel ready to do this yourself, you can always ask a friend to help out.
You can contact us by:
Phone - 13 30 30
8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday (Sydney time)
Email - deceasedestates@amp.com.au
Deceased Estates
AMP Bank
Reply Paid 79702
To officially notify us of a loss you will need to send a certified copy of the death certificate to our mailing address. Please don't send us the original document.
Please note: This only notifies us of the death of an account holder. If you need to request information about a deceased estate account or if you want to gain access to transact on the account, you will need to provide some additional documents.
To officially notify us of a loss you will need to send a certified copy of at least one of; the death certificate, letters of administration or grant of probate to the below mailing address. Please don't send us the original document.
Deceased Estates, AMP Bank, Reply Paid 79702, PARRAMATTA NSW 2124
Please note: This only notifies us of the death of an account holder. If you need to request information about a deceased estate account or if you want to gain access to transact on the account, you will need to provide some additional documents.
Sole deposit accounts or loans
For a sole deposit account, when we receive the notification and death certificate, money won't be able to be withdrawn from the account (including direct debits or loan payments) until the estate is settled, but money can still be paid into the account.
If you know of any direct debit payments being paid out of the account (excluding AMP loan repayments), please update the direct debit arrangement to pay from a different source of funds.
About joint deposit accounts
If you're telling us of the death of a joint deposit account holder, the surviving account holder will still be able to operate the account.
When we receive the official notification documents, we will transfer the account to the name of the surviving account holder.
About Joint loans
If you have a joint loan account, you'll still be able to operate the account and loan repayments will continue as normal.
Joint signature required accounts
For joint deposit accounts with two account holders that have “all to sign” instructions, when we receive official notice of the death of one of the account holders and supporting documents, we’ll change to the account signing authority to “any to sign”. This means the remaining account holder can sign on their own.
Single-named deposit accounts or loans
When we receive notice of the death of an AMP Bank customer with a deposit account or loan in one name only, AMP Bank ceases charging and will refund back to the date of death all AMP Bank imposed fees and charges.
Standard interest on loans continues to be payable.
Important: All Government fees, charges, taxes or duties will still apply.
Joint deposit accounts or loans
For joint deposit accounts or loans, where there is a surviving party, the fees and charges will continue to apply. AMP Bank will not charge you for any changes that are required due to the change in your circumstances.
Important: All Government fees, charges, taxes or duties will still apply.
Below are the people who are authorised to represent the estate of the deceased:
- Executor/s of the estate named in the will
- Those appointed by Letters of Administration
- Executor/s appointed by probate bond if issued where there is a will
- A legal representative who has been instructed to act on your behalf of the above.
We may release funds from the estate to pay immediate expenses such as funeral, medical or hospital accounts on receipt of satisfactory supporting documentation.
For funeral expenses, you’ll need to provide the original tax invoice. Other documentation may be required based on the type of expense.
Any request for payment of an expense would need to be made by a person authorised to represent the estate. Where we agree to release funds, we’ll pay the service provider directly. Funds won’t be released to reimburse expenses which have already been paid.
If you need assistance with payment of estate expenses, please contact us for further information.
If you're only requesting information about a deposit account or loan belonging to the deceased, you need to provide some documents.
If you're an administrator of the will, you'll need to provide:
- Certified copy of Letters of Administration; AND
- Completed identity verification form and associated certified copies of your identity documents.
If you're an executor of the will (will only), you'll need to provide:
- Certified copy of the will; AND
- Certified copy of the death certificate; AND
- Completed identity verification form and associated certified copies of your identity documents.
If you're an executor of the will (appointed by probate), you'll need to provide:
- Certified copy of probate including the will; AND
- Completed identity verification form and associated certified copies of your identity documents.
If you're a next of kin, you'll need to provide:
- Certified copy of the death certificate; AND
- Completed identity verification form and associated certified copies of your identity documents.
If you're a legal representative, you'll need to provide:
- Certified copy of probate including the will; OR
- Certified copies of the Letters of Administration; OR
- Certified copy of the will and death certificate; OR
- Certified copy of the death certificate.
Note: We require the original certified copy of the documents to be mailed to use. Please do not send us original documents.
To act upon instructions for a deceased estate, the representatives (executor(s) named in a will or probate, person named in Letters of Administration or legal representative appointed on behalf of these parties) need to provide the following:
If you're an administrator of the will, you'll need to provide:
- Letters of Administration.
If you're an executor of the will (will only), you'll need to provide a certified copy of:
- Will; AND
- Death certificate.
If you're an executor of the will (appointed by probate), you'll need to provide a certified copy of:
- Probate.
If you're a legal representative, you'll need to provide a certified copy of:
- Probate; OR
- Letters of Administration; OR
- Certified copy of the will and death certificate; OR
- Will and death certificate; OR
- Death certificate
In addition, the person authorised to represent the account must prove and AMP Bank will verify, their identity by:
- Completing the identification Verification form; AND
- Providing a certified copy of 1 primary photo ID document; OR
- A certified copy of 1 primary non-photographic ID document AND 1 secondary identification document.
You may be asked to provide additional documents depending on the amount deposited in the account. More information can be found in the tables below.
Note: Please do not send us original documents. All certified copies of documents must be mailed to us.
Verifying your identity
Where we need to verify your identity, you'll need to complete our identity verification form as well as provide certified copies of your identification documents. These are outlined in the identity verification form.
If you're not clear about what identification documents you need to provide, you can just call us on 13 30 30 (option 7).
Below is a table that provides examples of identity documentation that can be provided to us to verify your identity.
More information about verifying your identity
- Proof of identity documents must be certified. For more information about certifying documents please refer to the identity verification form.
- If the original document is not in English, it must be accompanied by an English translation prepared by an accredited translator.
- All certified copies must be mailed to us at the address below. Do not send us the original documents.
AMP Bank
Reply Paid 79702
Parramatta NSW 2124
Documents we need from you to settle the estate - deposit accounts
Value of the amount in sole accounts at AMP | Value of the amount in sole accounts at AMP | Steps you need to take | What we will do |
Less than $15,000 |
Please send us the instructions and required documents to our mailing address. AMP Bank |
We will process the instructions within 14 days of receiving all the relevant information and authorisations |
$15,000 or more | Certified copy of probate / certified copy of Letters of Administration Letter of instruction signed by the executors of the estate Identity verification form and certified copies of identification documents |
Please send us the instructions and required documentation to our mailing address. AMP Bank |
We will process the instructions within 14 days of receiving all the relevant information and authorisations |
Important: The surviving joint account holder can continue to operate the account. When you provide a certified copy of the death certificate, we will transfer the joint account into the name of the remaining account holder subject the terms and conditions of the account.
Documents we require from you to settle the estate - loans
Value of the amount in sole accounts at AMP | Required documents | Steps you need to take | What we will do |
One person owns the property |
Please send us the instructions and required documents to our mailing address. AMP Bank |
We will process the instructions within 14 days of receiving all the relevant information and authorisations |
The property was owned jointly by two parties and one of the parties passes away. In this instance the remaining owner will automatically acquire the ownership of the property |
Please send us the instructions and required documents to our mailing address. AMP Bank |
We will process the instructions within 14 days of receiving all the relevant information and authorisations |
Where two or more people own a property |
Please send us the instructions and required documents to our mailing address. AMP Bank |
We will process the instructions within 14 days of receiving all the relevant information and authorisations |
Managing a deceased estate with AMP Bank
Note: We require the original certified copy of the documents to be mailed to us. Please do not send us original documents. If you are having difficulty obtaining a death certificate, please contact us to discuss alternative documents that may be acceptable (for example, a verified copy of a medical report).
1. Contact us with any questions
We're here to help, please call 13 30 30 or email deceasedestates@amp.com.au us if you have any questions.
2. Gather required documents
Get a certified copy of either the death certificate, letters of administration or grant of probate.
3. Officially notify AMP Bank of the loss
Send your certified documents to Deceased Estates, AMP Bank, Reply Paid 79702, Parramatta NSW 2124.
4. Get access to deceased estate's accounts
To request access to account information or to transact on an account, you'll need to provide some additional documents. Refer to information below.
To request information or access a deceased estates' accounts, you'll need to provide:
Administrator of the will
- Certified copy of Letters of Administration; AND
- Completed identity verification form and associated certified copies of your identity documents.
Executor of the will
- Certified copy of the will; AND
- Certified copy of the death certificate (will only); AND
- Completed identity verification form and certified copies of identification documents.
Legal representative
- Certified copy of probate including the will; OR
- Certified copies of the Letters of Administration; OR
- Certified copy of the will and death certificate; OR
- Certified copy of the death certificate.
Next of kin
- Certified copy of the death certificate; AND
- Completed identity verification form and associated certified copies of your identity documents.
The information on this page relates to AMP Bank only (deposits and loans)
For help with our deceased estates process for:
- AMP Super, please call 131 267 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 7.00pm) or email askamp@amp.com.au
- Resolution Life Australasia, please call 133 731 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5.30pm) or email askus@resolutionlife.com.au
- AMP Shareholders, please visit AMP Shareholder Centre - Deceased Estates
Banking enquiries
AMP Bank
Reply Paid 79702
Parramatta NSW 2124
Monday to Friday 8am – 8pm
Saturday and Sunday 9am – 5pm (AEDT)
What you need to know
Any advice on this page is provided by AWM Services Pty Ltd ABN 15 139 353 496, AFSL No. 366121 (AWM Services) and is general in nature only. It doesn’t consider your personal goals, financial situation or needs. It’s important you consider the appropriateness of any advice and read the relevant product disclosure statement and target market determination available at amp.com.au, before deciding what’s right for you. AWM Services is part of the AMP group and can be contacted on 131 267 or askampsuper@amp.com.au.
The issuer of SignatureSuper – AmpolSuper Plan is N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited (N.M. Super) ABN 31 008 428 322 which is part of AMP.
You can read our Financial Services Guide online for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services it provides. You can also ask us for a hard copy.
The super health check and The retirement health check (RHC) are provided by AWM Services and are general advice only. They do not consider your personal circumstances. RHC and the Simple Super (intrafund) advice are available to eligible members of the AMP Super Fund.
All information on this website is subject to change without notice.
Ampol Australia Petroleum Pty Limited does not publish this site and does not endorse or assume responsibility for any advice contained here.