Privacy collection and disclosure notice




    AMP Bank collects personal information about individuals in the deposit application. Personal information:

    • is required to be collected under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth)
    • is required and if not provided AMP Bank may not be able to process this application
    • is collected to identify the Individual, to establish new products and services, to manage existing product(s) and services and for related purposes including marketing and research
    • is collected about the Individual throughout the customer relationship, for the purposes of managing accounts and verifying or updating personal information held about the Individual. The disclosures below relate to personal information collected at any time
    • can be disclosed to related bodies corporate for their marketing and research purposes and, to joint venture partners, business partners, associates, advisers, market researchers and service providers both here and overseas. From March 2014, a list of countries where these providers are likely to be located can be accessed via the AMP Privacy Policy
    • can be disclosed with other information AMP Bank holds about the individual to a financial adviser, broker or originator named in the application, or to joint venture partners, business partners and third party service providers for the purpose of those parties providing:
      • the information to the financial adviser, broker or originator named in the application;
      • services to AMP or the account holder(s).

    The information may comprise customer information (including personal information), account documentation and account information (including account balance, and current and historical account and transactional information).  The financial adviser, broker or originator named in the application will be able to view account information even if there are no current or contemplated services provided to the account holder(s).

    • is treated in accordance with AMP's Privacy Policy, which contains information about how individuals may access their personal information held by AMP and how they can seek correction of that information, or make a complaint about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how AMP will deal with this complaint
    • for online applications we verify an individual's identity by disclosing their name, residential address and date of birth to a Credit Bureau and requesting an assessment of whether the personal information provided matches (in whole or in part) personal information contained in a credit information file in the possession or control of the Credit Bureau to assist in verifying identity for the purpose of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth). The Credit Bureau may prepare and provide AMP Bank with an assessment and may use the personal information, including names, residential addresses and dates of birth contained in credit information files for the purpose of preparing an assessment.

    To opt out of receiving direct marketing from AMP Bank, to obtain further information about how AMP handles personal information or to request access to the personal information AMP holds about you:

    • call 13 30 30
    • write to: Privacy Officer, AMP Bank, Locked Bag 5059, PARRAMATTA NSW 2124.
    • write to: Privacy Officer, AMP Bank, Locked Bag 5059, PARRAMATTA NSW 2124.
    AMP Deposit Account Declarations

    You confirm that you:

    • have obtained consent from any other individual whose personal information has been disclosed in the application, and you have informed the individual of the information within the Privacy Collection and Disclosure Notice.
    • agree to be bound by AMP Bank’s Terms and Conditions. Please read these conditions carefully as you will automatically agree to them the first time you or a person authorised by you operates the account.
    • are not commonly known by any names other than those disclosed in the application, or otherwise to AMP Bank.
    • have provided true and accurate information in relation to the application and that any document or information to be used for the purposes of the application (whether or not provided on or with an application): 
      • is complete and correct,
      • if it is about another person, is provided with the authority of that person (if required), and
      • may be used for any other products, services or benefits offered or provided by or through AMP Bank or any other company in the AMP Group and subject to their privacy obligations, may be disclosed to and used by the providers of such products, services or benefits to facilitate compliance with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing legislation.
    • understand that it may be a criminal offence to knowingly provide false or misleading information or documents in connection with an application.
    • understand that AMP Bank may decline any application for any reason in its absolute discretion and agree that we may decide to delay or refuse any request or transaction (deposits and withdrawals), and we may close any account, if we have not been able to verify a signatory’s identity, or if we believe in good faith not doing so may cause an offence to be committed. We do not accept responsibility for anything arising out of any such delay, refusal or account closure.

    Term Deposits - You acknowledge that early withdrawal from Term Deposits of 2 months or more is subject to 31 days’ notice.

    SMSF - If an application is made by an SMSF Trustee, you confirm that the SMSF Trust has been established in accordance with and is currently fully compliant with Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth).


    By submitting this application you also agree that we may decide to delay or refuse any request or transaction (deposits and withdrawals), and we may close any or all of your accounts, if we have not been able to verify your identity or a signatory’s identity, or if we believe in good faith that allowing the transaction may cause us to commit an offence. We do not accept responsibility for any such delay, refusal or account closure.