Flexible Lifetime - Investments option updates (Series 2)

    Unit prices effective as at 24/12/2024

    Multi Sector (Traditional)

    Product Entry Price Exit Price
    Conservative Index 1.14448 1.1431
    Professional Conservative 0.96787 0.96623
    Moderately Conservative
    Professional Moderately Conservative 0.98348 0.98152
    AMP Capital Balanced Growth 1.28617 1.28348
    Balanced Index 1.38073 1.37907
    Professional Balanced 0.97918 0.97722
    Moderately Aggressive
    Professional Growth 0.95405 0.95195
    Professional High Growth 0.95315 0.95105

    Single Sector Investment Options

    Product Entry Price Exit Price
    Fixed Interest
    Future Directions Australian Bond 0.8413 0.83996
    Schroder Fixed Income 0.88326 0.88114
    Specialist Diversified Fixed Income 0.85733 0.85536
    Equities - Australian Equities
    AMP Equity 1.1693 1.16766
    Specialist Australian Share 1.44421 1.43989
    Equities - Global Equities
    AMP International Share Enhanced Index 1.97267 1.96873
    Specialist Hedged International Share 3.26351 3.25373
    Specialist International Share 4.40624 4.39304
    Equities - Small Capitalisation Equities
    Specialist Australian Small Companies 1.09255 1.08819
    Equities - Specialist Equities
    Future Directions Emerging Markets 1.39931 1.39233
    Specialist Geared Australian Share 2.6787 2.66268

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