AMP Saver Rewards - Wealth Bonus


Which AMP products are eligible for the Wealth Bonus?





AMP Saver Account offers a Wealth Bonus of 0.00% pa, payable on top of your Standard Rate and, if you’re eligible, the Deposit Bonus Variable Rate, taking your total interest payable up to 5.20% pa1, on balances up to $250,0002. Standard rates and bonus rates are variable and are subject to change. 


What you need to do

To be considered eligible to receive the wealth bonus, you must hold an AMP Saver Account and an eligible AMP Wealth product, the AMP product must:

  • Be held in the same capacity as your AMP Saver Account
  • Be visible at the same time via the same My AMP login as your AMP Saver Account.
  • Be open on any day during a calendar month and have a positive balance.
  • Be listed as an eligible AMP Wealth product in the list below.


Note: To receive the Wealth Bonus your AMP Saver Account must be open when the Wealth Bonus is paid.



The reward you will receive


If you are eligible you will receive the Wealth Bonus which is paid on balances up to $250,0002.

Interest is earned on the balance in your AMP Saver Account in the month following each month you hold an eligible AMP Wealth product and will be credited to your account by the tenth (10th) calendar day of the month after that.



What does this mean?

If you meet the eligibility requirements in any calendar month, you will earn the Wealth Bonus the next month.

For example, if you have both an AMP Saver Account and an eligible AMP Wealth product in September, you’ll earn the Wealth Bonus Interest Rate on your account balance during October, which will then be paid into your AMP Saver Account by 10 November.

AMP Saver Account offers a Wealth Bonus of 0.00% pa, payable on top of your Standard Rate and, if you’re eligible, the Deposit Bonus Variable Rate, taking your total interest payable up to 5.20% pa1, on balances up to $250,0002. Standard rates and bonus rates are variable and are subject to change. 


List of eligible AMP Wealth products

AMP Flexible Lifetime Super iAccess Term Allocated Pension PortfolioCare eWRAP Super Account
AMP Flexible Super - Retirement account Investment Service PortfolioCare eWRAP Term Pension Account
AMP Flexible Super - Super account MyNorth Investment PortfolioCare Term Pension Account
CUSTOM SUPER MyNorth Pension SignatureSuper
Flexible Lifetime - Allocated Pension MyNorth Super SignatureSuper Allocated Pension
Flexible Lifetime - Term Pension North Investment Summit Allocated Pension
Generations Allocated Pension North Personal Pension Summit Money Master
Generations Investment Portfolio North Personal Superannuation Summit Personal Pension
Generations Personal Pension Pension Service Summit Personal Super
Generations Personal Super Portfoliocare Elements Investment Account Summit Term Allocated Pension
Generations Term Allocated Pension Portfoliocare Elements Pension Account SuperLeader
iAccess Allocated Pension Portfoliocare Elements Super Account WealthView eWRAP Investment Account
iAccess Investment Portfoliocare Elements Term Pension Account WealthView eWRAP Pension Account
iAccess Personal Pension PortfolioCare eWRAP Investment Account WealthView eWRAP Super Account
iAccess Personal Super PortfolioCare eWRAP Pension Account WealthView eWRAP Term Pension Account

More information


Important note: If you believe you are eligible but do not see your AMP Saver Account and eligible AMP Wealth product/s in the same My AMP login, please call us and we will organise for these accounts to be linked in My AMP.

For further details of the applicable terms and conditions and eligibility criteria, please read the AMP Saver Account Rewards Rules – Deposit & Wealth Bonus Interest.

Not registered? Find out more.

What you need to know

1 Up to 5.20% pa ongoing variable rate on balances up to $250,000 and is subject to change without notice. For Accounts opened from 1 April 2021, offer is limited to one account per person. For any portion of the balance over $250,000 and up to $5,000,000 the interest rate reverts to the AMP Saver Account standard rate only. The maximum ongoing balance per customer name is $5,000,000. Terms and conditions apply. Fees and charges are payable. Any application is subject to AMP Bank’s approval. A target market determination for this product is available at To learn more about the AMP Saver Account, see the product page.

2 For any portion of the balance over $250,000 the interest rate reverts to the AMP Saver Standard Rate only.

The product issuer of the AMP Saver Account is AMP Bank Limited ABN 15 081 596 009, AFSL and Australian credit licence 234517. Information including interest rates is subject to change without notice. Terms and conditions apply. Fees and charges are payable. Any application is subject to AMP Bank’s approval. Before making a decision about this product you should consider the AMP Saver Account terms and conditions available from AMP at or by calling 13 30 30.

This information is provided by AMP Bank Limited. Read our Financial Services Guide available at  for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided to you. All information on this website is subject to change without notice. 

AMP Bank is a member of the Australian Banking Association (ABA) and is committed to the standards in the Banking Code of Practice