We're here to talk all things super

We want you to get super close to your super. That’s why we have a range of advice choices with no extra fees.

Super health check

Have a check-in with a super coach to understand your super better – including your investments, insurance and more.

Duration: 20 minutes

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Retirement health check

One of our retirement specialists can discuss your AMP Super account, covering topics like your options in retirement, planning for retirement, general age pension entitlements, and a retirement income projection.

Duration: 45 minutes

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Simple super advice

Our simple super advice team is ready to help you with expert advice about  choosing the right investment option, making extra contributions and sorting out your insurance inside your super.

Duration: 45 minutes

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Transition to Retirement

As you approach retirement, you might want to consider accessing some of your super while you’re still working or setting retirement income goals. If so, you can have a chat with one of our retirement specialists.

Duration: 45 minutes

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Improve your money know-how

Our insights hub has a wealth of expert tips and information about a range of topics from managing money to home loans, market updates, making the most of your super and more.

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Tune into our help series webinars

Discover our range of free educational webinars. You’ll get information, tips and tools to help you manage your super and money.

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Simplifying investment podcast series

Whether it's big or small, we are all invested in something, that's why we're drawing on the knowledge of AMP's experts to answer the big questions in superannuation, retirement and beyond.

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Tools and calculators

Access a range of tools and calculators to help you manage your finances and plan for your future.

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Whatever your difficulty, we’re committed to treating you with sensitivity, compassion and respect, and will do what we can to help you get the support you need.

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Mon - Fri 8am - 7pm (Sydney time)

Any advice on this page is provided by AWM Services Pty Ltd ABN 15 139 353 496, AFSL No. 366121 (AWM Services) and is general in nature only. It doesn’t consider your personal goals, financial situation or needs. It’s important you consider the appropriateness of any advice and read the relevant product disclosure statement and target market determination available at amp.com.au, before deciding what’s right for you. AWM Services is part of the AMP group and can be contacted on 131 267 or askampsuper@amp.com.au.

The issuer of SignatureSuper – AmpolSuper Plan is N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited (N.M. Super) ABN 31 008 428 322 which is part of AMP.

You can read our Financial Services Guide online for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services it provides. You can also ask us for a hard copy.

The super health check and The retirement health check (RHC) are provided by AWM Services and are general advice only. They do not consider your personal circumstances. RHC and the Simple Super (intrafund) advice are available to eligible members of the AMP Super Fund.

All information on this website is subject to change without notice.

Ampol Australia Petroleum Pty Limited does not publish this site and does not endorse or assume responsibility for any advice contained here.